Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Vocation Bible School is a program designed to teach work skills and how work and God's word relate. We are offering VoBS to a few of our teens for the first time this Summer. I teach the class Tuesday mornings, Sarah teaches it Wednesday, and on Thursday the teens work on a painting project as application of what they have learned. The class is two hours, and it was definitely a challenge to enthusiastically fill up all of the time.
The first week that I taught VoBS was somewhat discouraging for me because to be honest, I felt like the class was boring. I kept asking the kids questions but everyone was tired sounding.
Today, VoBS was a lot more fun. I spent a lot of time creating games out of the lessons. I made a memory game that matched verse references to pictures of what the Bible says our purpose in life is. (To be ambassadors for Christ, to be the light of the world.)
I also taught that money is not the root of all evil, but the LOVE of money is.
Next, we covered the ten commandments. The VoBS book, much to my delight has a song about the 10 commandments that I learned as a child. I recopied the song on a white board and let the guys fill in certain blanks.
Unfortunately, I only had two guys today. Please pray that the teens will be able to come to VoBS and that they will enjoy it.

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